The Value of Litigator Scrubbing: Protect Your Company From TCPA Violations

Litigator Scrubbing reduces your company’s risk of violating TCPA guidelines and facing legal backlash from serial plaintiffs and litigators. While only 1% of cellphone users have sued under the FCC’s Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), 40% of those who have have done so more than once. What is Litigator Scrubbing? Litigator Scrub is a cloud […]
The Powerful A2P Advantage: How to Ensure Your SMS to Customers Are Not Blocked By Phone Carriers

With the recent introduction of the A2P standard by U.S. phone carriers, businesses now have a way to ensure that their texts are delivered to customers and prospects. A2P also benefits consumers who will now be protected from receiving unwanted messages, especially those from scammers and spammers. What is A2P? A2P stands for application-to-person messaging. […]
Attack of the Robocallers: How the FCC’s STIR/SHAKEN Legislation Changes the Way Businesses Make Calls to Their Customers

Will STIR/SHAKEN affect your business? Read more about how the FCC’s new legislation impacts your communication with consumers. The Problem: Did you know that roughly 45% of phone calls made every day are robocalls? According to the FCC, in 2020, American consumers received nearly 4 billion robocalls per month. This has led to a steep […]